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March 2023 Newsletter

March 16, 2023

Loving memory of Patty Ullmann, Phoenicia updates, helpful tips on health navigators and so much more.

Forest Bathing

February 14, 2023

Have you been hearing lately that spending time in nature is helpful? Beth Rennig recently completed a certification as a Forest Therapy Guide, and has written an article that helps explain how nature and working with energy can be a huge help to us. “As a certified Reiki Master practitioner and Forest Therapy Guide, I am passionate about helping people connect with their own healing processes and with the natural world.“ “Forests provide two essential elements that help our biology, oxygen, and phytoncides, which are chemicals found in plants' natural oils that act as a plant's defense system. In guided forest walks, I invite people to have experiences that help them engage their senses more deeply with the trees, plants, and the natural world around them. Anyone can do this practice on their own, even in their yard. Besides the physical benefits of forest bathing, being in a small group of like-minded people and spending more time in nature can help lift our mood and make us feel more connected. I believe forest bathing is essential for us to cope with the post-pandemic stress, and it can help our children who are suffering from nature deficit disorder.

February 2023 Newsletter

February 1, 2023

Phoenicia Pharmacy updates, Skin Care, Forest Bathing, and more!

Talk to your Pharmacist Podcast

January 25, 2023

Listen in as Ed Ullmann speaks to Hillary Blackburn about his vision for the future of pharmacy.

January 2023 Newsletter

January 15, 2023

Self care after the holidays, our first national podcast, and so much more!


January 9, 2023

The concept of home health care has its roots in 1883 America, where nurses would care for the sick and poor in their homes. Today, over 15,000 companies in the United States provide home care services to 15 million patients (70% of whom are over age 65), resulting in a $58 billion revenue industry.