Simply Bonnie - by Greg Madden

Simply Bonnie - by Greg Madden

Simply Bonnie - by Greg Madden


Bonnie was quiet, but did she have plenty to say.  An incredible woman who was dealt a lousy hand but somehow relished playing it everyday.  


Bonnie has passed now and returned to her angel roots helping us from the other side of the veil.  She was/is truly an angel who was sent to teach us all and true to her nature she would disagree with all of this, and vehemently. 


She didn't care for the spotlight or want anyone's tears or pity.  She was an excellent conversationalist but couldn't speak much and only through audible sounds, email or her traveling white board. She would hold a delightful conversation with you laced with humor and biting wit.  These “chats” took concentration but were so worth all of that.


She would laugh at my word “biting” as her mouth had become an accelerated tumor farm, making easier conversation more challenging, but that never stopped Bonnie, not once, not ever.  She was quiet, but always had something to say, and said it in her own way with a twinkle in her eye.


She went to Woodstock and carried our generation’s energy proudly and with such hope.  Even in these challenging times, she would bet on a great outcome ahead.


In my work, clients often find the energy work I’ve been gifted to share with them when their health’s momentum has shifted to a too late, or nearly too late script.  This was true of Bonnie and she felt there was some help for her condition in the time we shared, but her fate has been already sealed and yet she savored every remaining moment with a smile that must have taken much energy through the constant pain.


She would come to our sessions wearing a bandana on her face, not all too uncommon during the pandemic, but she had worn it for much longer than our brief pandemic, trying to spare us all from what she felt was something most would turn away from. We quickly advanced to having her remove the “mask” as breathing was difficult enough for her.  Her eyes would sparkle as she was free to be just Bonnie, all she ever wanted to be.  Her eyes spoke volumes and were beyond expressive.


I looked forward to her visits.  I feel that she was the healer and teacher in our sessions.  Even on very difficult days, she would come through the door cracking jokes and giving me updates and talking about her love of holidays and decorating.  Her favorite was Halloween and that is upon us now.  It won't be the same without our personal goblin and maybe for the first time she will become the ghost that haunts us with her dark humor.  She might start with an evil howl that ends with a belly laugh.  Such a delight. Listen for it.


I am beyond grateful for the lessons she shared with me.  To be positive and upbeat against all odds and she was always, and relentlessly, looking for the best in others, even when she felt they might be hopeless.  And her sense of humor.  That was Bonnie.


She was not one to sulk or feel sorry for herself and upon leaving our sessions would often state that she was going home to split wood as winter was coming.  That too was Bonnie even riddled with stage four diagnoses. 


In the end, only death could silence dear Bonnie, but her message rings true still for all who knew and loved her, including her ex husband for whom she lived with until the end.  Their relationship, even after divorce, is one we could all learn from, a true connection filled with caring and respect.  For him this silence is deafening, that was the impact of this truly loving soul, known simply as Bonnie.


Godspeed Angel !!