Consultation Case Studies

ECZEMA of the Lower Leg

January 26, 2022

In May of 2021 a male 70 year old patient experienced a breakout of a raised red rash throughout the lower left leg and toe area. Patient also observed itching, significant ankle swelling and an oozing of liquid from several of the rash areas above the ankle area.

Cat Bite Infection Report

May 27, 2021

A 73 year old customer came into the store on 3/30/21 and presented an ugly bite on his left hand that he just received from his domestic cat. Customer was not a patient at the pharmacy.

A Wellness Rx Report: Observational Hemp CBD Cream Study

May 20, 2021

In an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of it’s new Homeopathic CBD Pain Cream on patients diagnosed with chronic pain, Wellness Rx tested the effects on sleep, muscle and joint pain, pain management, mobility, and stress.

Wellness Rx Report: Hemp CBD Oil Study

May 20, 2021

We are proud to introduce to you our unique CBD oil that has been extracted by pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2) from hemp plants grown on Colorado farms. The farms do not use herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers in the growing process. The extraction from the hemp plants produces a pure isolate crystal powder which is then mixed with the organic delivery carrier MCT oil (caprylic triglyceride). MCT oil is extracted from coconut and palm oil and is used as an energy booster. Each 30 ml. of our clear oil contains 1,000 mg. of pure CBD oil (33.3 mg. per 1.0 ml. dose) and the oil has been certified by an independent laboratory to contain this amount and to be free of all contaminants. As a research center, we completed a controlled study of 20 patients over a 60 day period to evaluate the success of our CBD oil.

Rash Treatment for potential Shingles

May 1, 2021

60 year old male who requested assistance to treat large rash.

Canker Sore Evaluation and Treatment

April 2, 2021

11 year old boy consults with pharmacist Ed Ullmann for canker sore treatment.